Carnegie Announces the Acquisition of CLARUS Corporation, a Proven Leader in Community College Marketing

WESTFORD, Mass. ~ Higher education marketing and enrollment strategy leader Carnegie has announced the acquisition of CLARUS Corporation, a pioneer of community college marketing. The move is part of Carnegie's mission to better serve community colleges and their students while broadening the company's support of higher education as a whole.

Carnegie Chairman Joe Moore said, "CLARUS Corporation has partnered with the community college market for over 30 years, producing remarkable results for this population within higher education. Their extensive understanding of the community college population is an expertise we are thrilled to add to Carnegie's deep knowledge of the industry. We look forward to serving this community together."

CLARUS will continue to lead the community college market as trusted consultants, delivering custom digital, brand, and research services. Clients can look forward to the same resourceful team, high-touch service, and philosophy they have come to rely on from CLARUS—now backed by the strength of Carnegie. In addition to CLARUS-provided services, community college clients will have access to Carnegie's services in lead generation via CollegeXpress, web development and design, Slate optimization, creative, and strategy to further their enrollment success.

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Kathi Swanson, President of CLARUS Corporation said "I couldn't be more excited to bring my 30+ personal years of experience, plus the combined energy and experience of my entire staff, to Carnegie. With Carnegie, we have the opportunity to offer an even larger set of high-quality and innovative services to the community college market."

The acquisition is part of a larger effort by Carnegie—backed by New Heritage Capital (Heritage), a Boston-based private equity firm—to generate connections between students and colleges since its founding in 1985. The partnership with Heritage was formed in 2020 with an aim towards accelerating growth through organic and M&A initiatives.

Carnegie recognizes the vital part that community colleges play in higher education and their role in guiding students towards educational opportunities that are right for them. With this acquisition they are better positioned than ever before to promote the value of education while connecting students with two-year educational opportunities.
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