Knobull Provides Tools To Match Working Style To The Workplace

BOSTON - BostonChron -- Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull announced, "If you're concentrating on the world of work, it can be challenging. The need to feel always alert and able to hold conversations while still getting your job done can be a mystery."


Many tend to thrive in their inner worlds – which is where they also derive most of their energy – and for whom focus, space and time to process their thoughts and choose their words is paramount, being in these open, highly populated, shared spaces can feel daunting.

When overly focused you tend to like your own company or to gather in smaller groups. This doesn't mean they are antisocial or don't like being with people. It's all about energy.


Understanding our individual working style is essential for each of us to thrive and succeed in the workplace. This style is how we like to work best. It is how we approach our day-to-day tasks and projects, work with others and solve problems to do our best work.

Your Knobull career coach JobStars, found on its homepage, will help you clarify your key skills and strengths, which is invaluable in steering you along the right path in your career and to opportunities, projects, and environments where you will excel and thrive.

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If you understand your working style you can develop strategies and ways of working to enable you to engage and work effectively with others, be seen and heard and recognised for your skills, value and contributions while also taking care of your own emotional and mental needs.

It's worth thinking how your working style matches different career options. This can help you think more long-term about what vibes best with who you are.


Develop your relationships with your colleagues by getting to know them in one-to-one meetings or in smaller groups. This can also be a great way of turning work colleagues into friends too.

Plan what you are going to say or the questions you are going to ask at meetings ahead of time. Then ask the question or make a comment.

Send your thoughts and comments to the team as a follow-up email. That thought or comment could be the game changer.

Bentley concluded, "Focus brings many advantages to the workplace but one of the key ones is the ability to focus and their keen observation skills. A preference for being on their own, inward reflection and contemplation means spending more time thinking about, working through and solving problems.

Focused professionals tend to have curious minds, which can make them abstract thinkers – an invaluable asset to have in a diverse team."

Source: Knobull

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